Online Ticketing System | TicketHost Australia Promotional Codes
Create a Ticket Category

Ticket Category records are re-usable in TicketHost, so once a Category has been created, it can simply be selected from the Ticket Category list for use in future events.
There are 3 options for creating Ticket Category records in TicketHost:

  1. Via the Ticket Categories link on the Organiser Control Panel
  2. From within the Add New Event process
  3. From within the Amend Existing Performance/Session process

1) Ticket Category Creation via the Ticket Category Maintenance Screen

  1. Click the Ticket Categories link on the Organiser Control Panel
  2. A list of existing live Ticket Categories will be displayed. Click on the Add Category button
  3. The Add New Ticket Category screen is displayed for entry of your Ticket Category details (Screenshot below)

Ticket Category Details

Ticket Category Maintenance Screen
  • Description: The Ticket Category name/title.
  • Category Type: Select from the available options. Click on the Information icon for more information about the different category types.
  • Terms and Conditions: Enter any restrictions that are applicable to this category.
  • Charge GST: If your Organisation is required to collect GST on sales of this category, select Yes, otherwise select No.
  • Multi-Person Ticket: For most ticket categories, each ticket sold grants admission to a single person. If that is the case for this category, you should select No. If this category grants admission to multiple people, eg. Family Ticket, Table of 8 etc. then you should select Yes.
  • Persons Admitted: If Multi-Person Ticket has been set to Yes, you must specify the number of persons admitted for each ticket purchase in this category.
  • Category Status: If you would like this Ticket Category to be available for selection in future events, set the status to Live. However if the Ticket Category is not be used for future events. set the status to Archived.
  • Click Save to create the Ticket Category record

Note: If a Category is re-used, the Description (Category Name) may be amended for each new event. However all other data associated with a category record is fixed and may not be changed.


Ticket Category Example

2) Ticket Category Creation whilst Adding a New Event

Add New Ticket Category
  • Whilst adding a new event, a select list of existing active Ticket Categories will be available
  • If the required Category for the new event is not on the list, select Add New Ticket Category
  • Complete the Ticket Category data entry screen as described above
  • You will then be returned to the Add New Event screen and can finalise entry of event details.

3) Ticket Category Creation whilst Amending an Existing Performance/Session

Add New Ticket Category
  • Whilst amending an existing Performance/Session, a select list of existing active Ticket Categories will be available
  • If the required Category is not on the list, select Add New Ticket Category
  • Complete the Ticket Category data entry screen as described above
  • You will then be returned to the Amend Existing Performance/Session screen and can finalise your amendment.

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